Alfred Dreyfus |
In 1894
Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the
French army
, was accused of giving military secrets to the Germans. Although he steadfastly maintained his innocence, Dreyfus was tried and found guilty in a trial that was heavily influenced by widespread anti-Semitism within the upper echelons of French society and the military. The case became a cause célèbre that split French society between the pro-Dreyfusards (liberals) and the anti-Dreyfusards (conservatives).
Dreyfus was sentenced to
Devil’s Island
prison off the South American coast, but his supporters continued to investigate the case and found that he had been used as a scapegoat to cover up for the real culprits, who were highly placed in French society.
The French writer
Emile Zola
took up the case and published his famous article, “
,” detailing the abuses in the case. Dreyfus was bought back for another trial and, although new evidence was presented, he was again found guilty.
Dreyfus was finally freed on a pardon granted by the French president in 1899; however, his military rank was not restored until 1906.
Theodor Herzl, the father of modern
(Jewish nationalism), covered the Dreyfus case as a journalist.
The prevalence of anti-Semitism in liberal France contributed to Herzl’s conclusion that Jews needed to have a state of their own where they would control the political, economic, and military institutions.